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    Smiling safely in the sun!

    The weather is really warming up, and if your kids are going to be out in the sun, they need to stay safe. Let's find out how. The Facts Skin Cancer rates are increasing. The rise in the incidence of skin cancer over recent decades has been strongly related to increasing popular outdoor activities and recreational exposure. Especially in regions such as the middle east where temperatures are high and sun exposure is year round. Increasing sun...

    Brush, floss and visit!

    The importance of brushing your teeth twice a day can’t be stressed enough. Not only can, not brushing your teeth lead to cavities and gum disease but it can also lead to more serious illnesses like heart disease and dementia. Apart from good oral hygiene it is important to visit a Dental Hygienist regularly. They work closely with the whole dental team to prevent and treat dental diseases. During an appointment,...

    Learning Disabilities (LDs)

    Your child might be suffering in silence from a Learning Disability and no matter how much he/she will try, without the correct diagnosis and intervention life in school can be very difficult. Questions to ask yourself: Is something telling you that your child could do better in school? Have you received recent complaints from teachers about your child’s performance in school? In spite of learning new things every day your child...

    Dermoscopy & Videoscopy

    A new frontier in diagnosing hair diseases. Dr. Murtuza, our Dermatologist, explains. Hair style is a human characteristic that represent aspects of identity and is a universally accepted sign of youth. Hair loss can have significant impact on the quality of life and fuels the need for prompt diagnosis & treatment. The standard methods to diagnose hair and scalp disorders such as simple clinical inspection, pull test and biopsy vary in...

    Strategies to fight emotional dependence

    Emotional Dependence is the excessive necessity to be with another person. It is not love, but need. Normally it occurs in a relationship or marriage and is more common in women. In most cases Emotional Dependence is based on a core believe that you are incapable of taking care of yourself in the world, and that your only way to survive and cope in life is by turning to other people...

    Choose your dental implants wisely

    At present, it is common dental practice to replace missing teeth with dental implants; but complete information is not always provided to patients and even less is explained about the type of implants they will be receiving. There are many different implant systems available worldwide. However, these systems are not always compatible and there is a big disparity between these systems. Some implant manufacturers have been around for over forty years...

    Osteopathy and Migraines!

    One of the most common theories to the causes of migraines is due to a neurological disruption which then triggers the symptoms that people experience. Osteopathic treatment can be of great benefit for those who suffer from migraines. As an example of how osteopathy can help, a patient in her late 30’s had a long term history of migraines with up to three per week. This lady also suffered from high...